Angasadagathuam (leg exercise)

In ten different leg exercise the student learns to develop a grip to the floor with his toes, to keep his balance while bringing up the leg, to focus the eye to one point By performing these leg exercise daily the muscles will get stretched more and more.
These exercise will be performed from east to west and back while the Gurukkal (master or instructor) will give the side-commands (vaithari).
Training is commenced with the control of leg exercising. This is basically necessary before advancing into the techniques of kalaripayatt.
The Vaithari or sidecommands of the Gurukkal are giving rhythmic and the timing of the movement. Vadivu (animalstances). The adimanushyans (our primitive ancestors) were living very close to the nature and were imitating animal - behaviour in order to fight. Animalstances in kalaripayatt are stylised postures inspired by different animals.
Gajavadivu (elephant posture),
Simhavadivu (lion posture),
Aswavadivu (horse posture), Malsya vadivu (fish posture),
Maarjara vadivu (cat posture),
Varaha vadivu (wild-boar posture),
Kukuda vadivu (cock posture),
Sarpa vadivu (snake posture) by assuming these low-down postures the pupil gets more body structure and will learn to keep the body center by controlling the breath.
Chuvadu (steps)
While performing later fights the students feet will always in one of the next four positions.
- Aaka chuvadu: A fixed step of small distance, ready to actions of defence or offence.
- Neeka chuvadu: A moving step to avoid or to respond an opponents move or action, also in an attacking action.
- Vattachuvadu: A parallel step like an elephant stance
- Chaatta chuvadu: A jumping step.
- Ottakal chuvadu: Balancing on one leg.
- Kon chuvadu: A diagonal step
Chattangal (jumps) and Marachilukal (flyings/throws)
Maipayat : The spine of Kalaripayatt!!

Maipayat is a pattern of physical exercises that integrates all categories of body exercises mentioned above. Constant and regular practice of these exercises result in controlled, flexible and graceful movements of the body. This practise helps to develop pranayama (breath control), force, flexibility and stamina. The movements have to be performed in a continuous flow of energy. In the Maipayat the student has to seek for the softness of the cat and the fastness of the antelope. His body masters the space completely and can act in even a very restricted surface. Through these exercises the students body becomes a weapon, capable to excell in the use of the Kalaripayatt-weapons. Gurukkals are saying;
‘Maiyyu Kannakanam’ (the body becomes all eyes) (ekagratha).
‘Vettu’ means to beat. ‘Chuvadu’ means stepping. In vettu chuvadu the student is performing the steps and the beats in the same movement. The movements will be made in four directions and sometimes take the shape of intricate ground patterns. However the attack will always be proceede by a blocking movement. Speed, concentration and powerful strokes with the hands are enhanced in this cycle of exercises.