Kai - Thallu

“Kai” means hands. “Thallu” means hitting; students will face each other in pairs and basically exercise arm-muscles by beating and blocking. Legkicks and elbowthrusts however are also included in this chapter, practitioners have to care of the stepping - distance and carefully should cover and trace unprotected spots on his opponent’s body.
Verumkai prayogam (unarmed combat) Empty hand fighting system

This is the fourth stage of Kalari Training. The opponents body is the pecularity of this system. By this method one can disabled of the enemy completely usually, knowledge of this kind is not pased in discriminately to any student but only to those with a disciplined life who guarantees that the knowledge will not be misused.
When a student masters all arms he can start to study the pure self defence-techniques which are performed bare handed.
A vast set lock techniques (piduthangal), throws, flyings and marma prayoga (the hitting of vital spots), counter locks and escape-techniques are transmitted by the Gurukkal to the Tranee.